All about and around Landmannalaugar in the highlands of Iceland. 
    Built on personal experience and taste of insiders.
    Though experience is big and taste is great, try other issues as well, to be sure.
Photos/ Myndir

Around Landmannalaugar

 Löðmundarvatn           Barmur
Umhverfis Landmannalaugar

People in Iceland

Strandir          Guðny
Fólk á Íslandi

Westfjords, our life there

Æðey          Æðey
Vestfirðir - okkar tilvera þar

Moments of life

Gæsir          ice
Nokkur af lífsins augnablikum
Olgeirs gallerí.

Olgeir Engilbertsson í Nefsholti er búinn að fara oftar í fjallferðir en flest annað fólk. Hann hefur flutt fólk, fé og farangur á "Geimstöðinni", gömlum en tæknivæddum Víbon. Í gegnum tíðina hefur ljósmyndavélin verið hluti af farangrinum. Brot af myndasafni Olgeirs er hér til sýnis. Myndirnar eru frá árunum 1970 til u.þ.b.1990. Ef fólk vill vita meira um myndirnar en það sem hjá þeim stendur, þá er best að setja sig í samband við Olgeir sjálfan, því enginn er fróðari um Landmannaafrétt en einmitt hann.

Olgeir is the name of the person who has taken part in the sheep-gathering from the mountains more often than most other people. He has transported people, sheep and luggage on his old but tecnically well equipped Weapon, called "The spaceshuttle". The camera has always been a part of his equippment. Some of his photos are exposed here. They range from 1970 to 1990. If you are urging to know more about them than the following text tells, then you better contact Olgeir himself because there are no people who know as much about this area as him.

1.Bílar - fé

Cars - Animals


  Myndasafn  Smára og Nínu 2005

01. Faces and heads  

07. Vegir - roads
02. Found objects found vestfirdir 08. Vestfirðir 2
03. Mannvirki - peoples work mannvirki vatn 09. Waters - Vatn
04. Steinar - fjöll -
       stounes - mountains
stones strand 10. Ströndin - strand
05. Sterkir litir -
      strong colors
green utanvegaakstur 11. Skammakrókur -
       don´t drive off road
  06. Veður - weather vedur


   Nína Ivanova & Ómar Smári Kristinsson © 2003—2011

last updated - 01.10.2011