Few tips for visitors in Landmannalaugar
scheduled-bus from Reykjavík to Landmannalaugar
leaves, in the summertime, daily from the Bus Central
Station, BSÍ at 8:30. A two-ways-ticket cost 7.900
kr. in 2003. Roads
on maps and roads in reality are not the same.
There is a way to reach Landmannalaugar by a normal
car, but use a 4-wheel-drive car to be sure. Normal
car-rental-insurances are not valid in the highland. There
are 40 km. from Landmannalaugar to the nearest tank-station.
In most highland areas the distance is a lot longer
than that. In
the Fjallabak Nature Reserve, you are not alloved
to camp everywhere. You may only do it at Landmannalaugar,
Landmannahellir and Hrafntinnusker. Don´t count on
a tent-rent. Bring your own tent. At those places
are also huts. For them you need a reservation. For
Landmannahellir call 853 8407 or 893 8407. For Landmannalaugar
and Hrafntinnusker call 568 2533. A bit outside the
reserve is the highland-motel and tankstation Hrauneyjar
(487 7782 or 487 7750). In
Landmannalaugar you can buy food, local maps and
more. Be equipped for all kinds of weather before
you enter the highland. There
is a horse-rent in Landmannalaugar. You don´t need
to bring equippments or skills for it. Guidet tours
in various lengths. In
Landmannahellir and Landmannalaugar you can buy
cheap fishing-license for the mountain-lakes.
You can rent a fishing rod in Landmannalaugar, but you
better bring your own. Most of the time, you can buy
fresh trout in the shop in Landmannalaugar, but to be
sure, you should order it 2 days in advance (minimum
1 kg.) in 854 0974 (from 1. July to 31. August). |
smooth hill or mountain Austur:
east Á:
river Barmur:
ridge Blá(r):
blue Brandur
(gen. Brands): male name Gil:
gorge or canyon Dalur:
walley Fell:
hill or mountain Fjall:
mountain Foss:
waterfall Frosti:
male name Há(r)
(plur. háu): high (big) or loud Háls:
hill, usually a long one Hellir:
cave Hnaus:
clod Hnúkur:
peak Hraun:
lava Hver:
spring og boiler Höfði:
high point of land (lit. cape) Jökull:
glacier Kvísl:
confluent Land:
land or country (here it refers to the name of the community,
Landsveit) Laug
(plur. Laugar): spring or warm pool Leið:
way Litli/litla:
little, low, small Ljótur:
ugly Menn
(gen. manna): men, people (belonging to men) Námur:
old version of the word "náma", meaning mine Norður:
north Pollur: pool, puddle Rauður:
red Reykur
(gen. reykja): smoke or steam Stóri/stóra:
big Suður:
south Torfi:
male name Vað:
fort Vatn:
lake og water Vegur:
road or path
west |