for hikers -
if you are planning
to walk around
or stay there
tips for visitors in Landmannalaugar
scheduled-bus from Reykjavík to Landmannalaugar leaves,
in the summertime, daily from the Bus Central Station, BSÍ
at 8:30. A two-ways-ticket cost 7.900 kr. in 2003.
on maps and roads in reality are not the same. There
is a way to reach Landmannalaugar by a normal car, but use
a 4-wheel-drive car to be sure. Normal car-rental-insurances
are not valid in the highland.
are 40 km. from Landmannalaugar to the nearest tank-station.
In most highland areas the distance is a lot longer than
the Fjallabak Nature Reserve, you are not alloved to
camp everywhere. You may only do it at Landmannalaugar,
Landmannahellir and Hrafntinnusker. Don´t count on a tent-rent.
Bring your own tent. At those places are also huts. For
them you need a reservation. For Landmannahellir call 853
8407 or 893 8407. For Landmannalaugar and Hrafntinnusker
call 568 2533. A bit outside the reserve is the highland-motel
and tankstation Hrauneyjar (487 7782 or 487 7750).
Landmannalaugar you can buy food, local maps and more.
Be equipped for all kinds of weather before you enter
the highland.
is a horse-rent in Landmannalaugar. You don´t need
to bring equippments or skills for it. Guidet tours in
various lengths.
Landmannahellir and Landmannalaugar you can buy cheap
fishing-license for the mountain-lakes. You can rent
a fishing rod in Landmannalaugar, but you better bring your
own. Most of the time, you can buy fresh trout in the shop
in Landmannalaugar, but to be sure, you should order it
2 days in advance (minimum 1 kg.) in 854 0974 (from 1. July
to 31. August).
May -2005
The early summer traffic
Offered in our shop on wheels
Gas cartridges – better times
Landmannalaugar - map for hikers - new edition
The future of this home page
Hut wardens and ranger
Public transport
Fishing control
Due to lack of accommodation in the interior highlands, the peaceful huts by Áfangagil
are already fully booked for some weeks in summer 2005, though it still lies aside the
main touristic roads (later on it will be a part of a prolonged Laugavegur). For the
first time in this place´s history, there will be hut wardens there. They already
have got their own transportable private hut. To order the last unoccupied beds, call Áfangar:
845 9500.
A-128 meeting. Landmannalaugar
Iceland. 15.-
17.July 2005
Info -www.islandhanomag.de
Günter Eisenhardt
The early summer traffic
Like last summer, there is little snow in the highlands. Right now (April) all vehicles
are forbidden do drive to Landmannalaugar (it is important to obey this rule, due to
extraordinary vulnerable ground). Most likely, the F 208 from Hrauneyjar/Sigalda will
be opened at the beginning of May.
Offered in our shop on wheels
Mainly we´ll provide the same products, prices and services as the last two summers.
We´ll put more emphasis on healthy nurishment, exspecially the main soja products.
This summer there seems to be tolerable situation in the country, conserning gas cartridges.
We´ll benefit from that. Souveniers are not our department, except if they are
useful (wool products and postcards). Though we would like to proudly present the hairy
trout. It was specially designed and produced for our shop by artist Marian Edna Gierman.
This is the only place where they are available and there will hardly be more than ten
of those legendary creatures.
The only hot nurishment that we do provide is koffee, tea
and chocolate. We offer you touristic informations as much as we have knowledge and time
for. We still sell fishing permits and as far as we know, they still will be for low
Gas cartridges - better times
Finally it looks like that a miserable situation is taking an end: The lousy supply of
gas cartridges in Iceland. This summer there will be blue Campinggaz cartridges in two
sizes in our shop and other places as well. We allready made a big order and have become
a promise for delivery. There are other importers now. Let´s just hope that they´ll
do better than the oil companies did.
Landmannalaugar - map for
hikers - new edition
Last summer, we published a hiking map for the Landmannalaugar area. It was useful and
quite many of them were sold. Descriptions in four languages is probably one key to that
success. The map is already out of date. Trails were distinguished between marked and
unmarked. Shortly after the map was published, a lot of trails were marked with sticks.
Therefore we publish a new version this year. Actually they are two maps on one sheet.
One shows threedimensional effects and surface colors, like last year, and the other one
shows height differense. Many people find it easier to find their way after that kind
of map. Now there is a choice. This means that the sheet is double the size of the old
one, since there are two maps, but as a result, there came more space for the text, so
it is better to read. Some more changes were made to expand the informative value and
to refine the definitions. Unfortunately we have no choice but selling this map for some
higher price than the small one from last summer.
The future of this home page
Like always, we´re not internet connected in the summertime. So
sending us a mail is useless in summer. Usually we tell people to wait till authumn.
Now we can not make promises, because we´ll be very busy then. We´re moving
to a house of our own. Just installing a computer room takes some time. We must start
dealing with the worlds of finances and jobs, like ordinary people do. In addition to
that, more and more people are discovering our talents in drawing and designing. All this
will affect the progress of our home page. It´s a shame, partly because two big
projects had started, where more people than the two of us were involved. It´s a
pity when visionary work of volunteers turns to nothing.
One project is to list up in
chronological order all events, worth mentioning, which have happened in the mountain
area of Landmannaafréttur.
The other project (more designed for Icelanders), was to dig up the roots of the place
names of that area. We just have to hope that the time will come again, when we have time
to realise these projects.
We give our thanks to those who cooperated. |
Hut wardens and ranger
We don´t know precisely who are going to be hut wardens in Landmannalaugar this
summer. We just heard rumours about some old friends and hope they will come. Neither
do we know who will be a ranger. The one who has been for the resent years, will be a
hut warden in Landmannahellir this time, togeather with his wife, who also has worked
in huts on the area. Last summer they got married in Landmannahellir. For the first time
in history, there will be wardens in Áfangagil. The owners, local people, will
be there.
Public transport
Austurleið-Kynnisferðir bus company starts it´s scedual towards Landmannalaugar
at the 10. of June from Reykjavík. This is the only firma which provides public
transport to Landmannalaugar (also from Skaftafell and Mývatn, but not so soon).
There has been made a brochure showing all bus lines in the country at one glimpse. From
now on it´s much easier to make travel plans.
Fishing control
The lakes around Landmannalaugar and Landmannahellir were under regular
control last summer. The result was very good, so the same team has been hired to ceep
on for this summer as well. Be aware - Kata and Nils are watching you.
Pictures |